creating smarter healthcare

Recognized quality
Although for us, the satisfaction of our clients is a sufficient reward by itself, it is nice when someone else also recognizes the quality... Thanks to the specialized professional magazine Life Sciences Review for including us among the top 10 providers of pharma consulting services in Europe in 2023.
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Our services

We specialize in providing a wide range of consulting services, primarily to management, sales and analytical departments of pharmaceutical companies, to management of healthcare institutions, and to other stakeholders of healthcare systems, as well as to other business entities.

You can order our custom-made analyses tailored specifically to your needs, our standardized reports on European countries' healthcare data, or our business analyses of public healthcare institutions.

We can help you improve just about any business process in healthcare, with emphasis on raising cost-efficiency and increasing quality, as well as on helping you implement or improve controlling function, or prepare basis for IT solutions' upgrade.